On Sunday March 30th (that’s tomorrow!) at 3pm, Paul French will launch his new book Destination Macao in the city itself.
The book is a collection of true stories about fascinating people who have visited or lived there — poets and pirates, rebels and writers, innkeepers and adventurers among them. Some you will have heard of, and some you won’t.
Paul will be launching his other new book Her Lotus Year too, about the time Wallis Simpson spent in China.
Join us at this event which is part of the annual Macau Literary Festival, also known as The Script Road. This year’s talks and book launches are happening in the Former Barra Slaughterhouse Site on the Inner Harbour, near the A-Ma temple. Map below.
The event is free and open to all but please call (+853) 2833 9566 for any enquiries.
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