26 July 2021

New book: Love, Money and Friendships, by David T. K. Wong

2021-07-29T19:33:25+08:00July 26th, 2021|china, hong kong, new books|0 Comments

Attention, readers of previous titles by Hong Kong writer David T. K. Wong: Volume 4 of his memoirs has just been published. In other news, Wong has been offered an honorary Doctorate of Letters by the University of East Anglia in the UK for his contributions to literature. As far as we know, he is the only Hong Kong writer [...]

8 February 2021

As we welcome the Year of the Ox, which animal of the Chinese Zodiac are you?

2021-02-08T04:46:25+08:00February 8th, 2021|china, hong kong|0 Comments

Sarah Brennan is the author of the Chinese Calendar Tales series. She writes... People are always asking me “Which Chinese calendar animal am I?” So here’s a handy reference so you can work out what animal you are in the Chinese zodiac! Beside each animal is the name of the animal in beautiful Chinese calligraphy, given to me by Scotch [...]

15 January 2021

A new book of true stories from Paul French: Destination Peking

2021-01-15T20:02:16+08:00January 15th, 2021|china, new books|0 Comments

Bestselling author Paul French returns to the Chinese capital in Destination Peking to tell 18 true stories of fascinating people who visited the city in the first half of the 20th century. From the ultra-wealthy Woolworths heiress Barbara Hutton and her husband the Russian emigré Prince Mdivani, to the poor “American girl” Mona Monteith who worked in the city as [...]

18 December 2020

Watch this video book talk from Yunnan by author Colin Flahive

2020-12-18T13:22:25+08:00December 18th, 2020|authors, china|0 Comments

This year has been the age of book launches by Zoom! Click the video below to watch a book talk from Salvador's Coffee House, Kunming, by Colin Flahive. Flahive is the author of Great Leaps: Finding home in a changing China. In the book, and in this talk, he explains how he discovered China as a backpacker in his early [...]

1 April 2020

New book: Trading Places, a photographic journey through China’s former treaty ports

2020-04-01T17:07:58+08:00April 1st, 2020|china, new books|0 Comments

China’s treaty ports were cities along its coast and on major rivers which were forcibly opened to foreign trade by the Western powers, starting from the early 19th century. The treaty port era extended from then until 1943, and during this time foreigners had a significant presence in China. This new book contains more than 700 photographs of many buildings [...]

5 March 2019

Paul French on his new book: Destination Shanghai

2019-03-04T20:54:35+08:00March 5th, 2019|authors, book excerpt, china, media attention|0 Comments

Ahead of his appearance at the Shanghai International Literary Festival this month, Paul French shares a snippet of his new book, Destination Shanghai. He'll be presenting a session on March 23 at 4pm.  How well do you know your old Shanghai sojourners? Over the decades so many foreigners – rich, poor; famous, infamous; European, American; dodgy, legit – came to Shanghai. It’s hard to [...]

22 March 2017

Ray Hecht is in Shanghai on March 24

2017-03-22T23:38:04+08:00March 22nd, 2017|authors, china, events|0 Comments

Ray Hecht says: I’ll be in Shanghai on March 24th, at Garden Books, for a public reading from my novel South China Morning Blues. I’m very excited to be able to do this in Shanghai, the most epic city in China. Last year on my book tour I was able to travel to Beijing, among other cities, and of course all [...]

29 November 2016

Book excerpt: Chinese Mice Don’t Eat Cheese

2016-11-26T19:43:19+08:00November 29th, 2016|book excerpt, china, hong kong|0 Comments

Fred Schneiter spent 30 years working in and around China, and came to recognise the value of keeping an open mind and learning something new every day. You’re likely to learn something too if you read this excerpt from his book, Getting Along with the Chinese.   Chinese Mice Don’t Eat Cheese IN THE EARLY DAYS of our wheat food [...]

18 November 2016

The Wa Cheesemaker: an excerpt (and recipe) from the Yunnan Cookbook

2016-11-24T01:13:56+08:00November 18th, 2016|book excerpt, china|0 Comments

Read this excerpt from The Yunnan Cookbook by Annabel Jackson & Linda Chia -- an interview with a woman from the Wa ethnic group of the southwestern Chinese province. It's followed by a recipe for Yunnan ham with broad beans and goat cheese. The Wa Cheesemaker Lincang, Yunnan. Photo: San Lin As little as 25 years ago, the [...]

10 November 2016

Trump knows tremendous China books when he sees them

2016-11-24T01:13:57+08:00November 10th, 2016|china, media attention|1 Comment

You're probably aware that Donald Trump was elected as US President yesterday. It's fair to say that reaction to this news has been mixed. But look on the bright side! He likes to read books about China. In an interview with Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, Trump said, "I've read hundreds of books about China over the decades." "I [...]

12 March 2016

“The Mercenary Mandarin” in Hong Kong

2016-11-24T01:13:59+08:00March 12th, 2016|authors, china, events, new books, publishing|0 Comments

Guidebook writer David Leffman is heading back to remote parts of Guizhou province on Tuesday, to pick up the trail of William Mesny - the British-born "Mercenary Mandarin" who became a general in the Chinese army. But before he goes, he will be giving an illustrated talk about Mesny to the Royal Asiatic Society in the Centre for Visual Arts, [...]

20 July 2015

Shanghai’s Baghdadi Jews: An interview with the author

2016-11-24T01:14:02+08:00July 20th, 2015|authors, china, new books|0 Comments

"This book is a record of descendants of Baghdadi Jewish merchants who settled in the Treaty Port of Shanghai in the mid-19th century," says Maisie Meyer. "They are authentic voices, allowing us a glimpse of bygone days of privilege, and the rich diversity that made the community so vibrant. It offers infinite perspectives of personalities whose lives were shaped by [...]

1 January 2015

The Yunnan Cookbook: Dai Grilled Fish with Lemongrass

2015-07-12T13:16:49+08:00January 1st, 2015|book excerpt, china, new books|0 Comments

Dai grilled fish scented with lemongrass and fresh herbs is one of the great fish dishes of China's Yunnan province, alongside the Bai fish stew made with carp from Dali’s commanding Erhai Lake. The fish from Yunnan’s majestic lakes are generally highly prized. It is a land-locked province, and so it is unusual to find seafood and salt-water fish, but [...]

11 January 2014

Tibet: Roads and Kingdoms

2016-11-24T01:14:06+08:00January 11th, 2014|authors, china, media attention, new books|0 Comments

Roads and Kingdoms magazine has published an interview with Laurent Zylberman, photographer of our new book, Tibet, the Last Cry. "Our stance is that the situation in Tibet is a fixation for many foreigners who know little about it," he says. "It’s always been portrayed as a black and white situation, someplace where there is no middle road. The usual [...]

9 August 2013

My Private China: Interview with Alex Kuo

2019-07-12T18:43:27+08:00August 9th, 2013|authors, china, media attention, new books|0 Comments

The World Policy Journal has published this wide-ranging interview with Alex Kuo, the author of My Private China. Your newest book, My Private China, is a remarkable glimpse into the vibrancy and diversity of China today. You’ve described the book as showing us, “the good, the bad, and the ugly,” of contemporary China. What was it about these negative elements [...]

7 August 2013

My Private China: a review in the SCMP

2016-11-24T01:14:08+08:00August 7th, 2013|china, hong kong, media attention, new books|0 Comments

Thanks to the South China Morning Post for a four-star review of My Private China! Although in recent years the amount of literature about China has grown significantly, Alex Kuo's My Private China successfully sets itself apart from the rest. As other books on China aim to discuss its economy, politics or the famous people it has produced, Kuo's collection [...]

25 July 2013

Hong Kong: Launchpad for the future of Asian publishing

2016-11-24T01:14:08+08:00July 25th, 2013|china, hong kong, media attention, publishing|0 Comments

Want some insights into the world of book publishing in Hong Kong and China? A bunch of local publishing folk, including yours truly, are quoted in an informative article in Publishing Trends. While globally powerful partnerships between Chinese publishers and international publishers may take a while to unfold, Hong Kong’s own industry still offers plenty of international exposure to authors [...]