12 March 2025

Book launch and signing with Paul French, 13th March

2025-03-12T02:17:14+08:00March 12th, 2025|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

In 1924, Wallis Simpson — the American future wife of Britain's king — journeyed across China, witnessing a nation in turmoil. Join prolific old China author Paul French to learn about 'Her Lotus Year', his new essays in Destination Macao, and stories from his bestsellers Midnight in Peking and City of Devils. Date: Thursday, 13 March 2025 Time: 6:30 PM [...]

5 March 2025

Ian Gill tells his multigenerational family story at FCC Club Lunch in Hong Kong: Thursday March 6

2025-03-05T14:05:55+08:00March 5th, 2025|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

Ian Gill’s first visit to Hong Kong in 1975 takes an unexpected turn when he meets his Chinese mother Billie’s friends, colleagues and fellow ex-prisoners of war, lifting the veil on a tumultuous past in Hong Kong and Shanghai. He moves to Asia and unravels her intriguing journey: from controversial adoption by an English postmaster in Changsha to popular radio [...]

3 March 2025

Book talk in Hong Kong: Searching for Billie, Tracing Surprising Family Roots in China

2025-03-03T16:57:22+08:00March 3rd, 2025|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

Taking place on Tuesday March 4 at the Royal Geographical Society in Hong Kong. Author Ian Gill talks about the main characters of his Anglo-Chinese family, who lived in China and Hong Kong from the mid-19th century until modern times. The story starts when his great-grandmother married Ted Newman, a Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company steward, in Hong Kong [...]

30 March 2023

Book signing: Hong Kong football legend Derek Currie

2023-03-30T03:25:25+08:00March 30th, 2023|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

When Scottish footballer Derek Currie was made an offer to travel to Hong Kong in 1970 to play against the one sportsman he had dreamed of meeting on the field, he couldn't say no. From apprentice printer in Glasgow to playing football against Pelé in the Far East, singing with Stevie Wonder and shadow-boxing with Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Currie enjoyed [...]

11 March 2023

The launch of “China Revisited”, a new series of rediscovered travelogues

2023-03-11T00:59:46+08:00March 11th, 2023|events, new books|0 Comments

China Revisited is a new series of extracted reprints of mid-19th to early-20th century Western impressions of Hong Kong, Macao and southern China. The series comprises excerpts from travelogues or memoirs written by missionaries, diplomats, military personnel, journalists, tourists and temporary sojourners. They came to China from Europe or the United States, some to work or to serve the interests [...]

2 March 2023

Strange Tales of Old Macao: a Paul French book talk

2023-03-02T18:37:51+08:00March 2nd, 2023|authors, events|0 Comments

Did Japan try to buy Macao in 1936? Were the men who declared Macao a republic in 1930 revolutionaries or extortionists? Paul French sails across the Pearl River on Friday evening to give a talk at the Livraria Portuguesa (Portuguese Bookshop) in the city's historic central district. The bookshop is at 16-18 Rua de Sao Domingos. No charge, all welcome. [...]

26 January 2023

Murder on the Outlying Islands of Hong Kong! A book talk on January 28th

2023-01-26T22:28:42+08:00January 26th, 2023|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

For the next event at Vibe bookshop -- on Saturday 28th January at 2:30pm -- Patricia O'Sullivan will be discussing real-life Hong Kong murders from a century ago! Women carried out some of these crimes on Hong Kong's outlying islands like Cheung Chau and Lantau, as well as in the city. Patricia will also be signing copies of her newest [...]

12 October 2022

Booksigning event, October 12: The Chakrata Incident with Neville Sarony

2022-10-12T00:07:08+08:00October 12th, 2022|authors, events, new books|0 Comments

You are invited to the launch of The Chakrata Incident, 6pm-7pm, Wednesday October 12. Come to Bookazine in Prince's Building, meet multi-talented author Neville Sarony and get your book signed! Neville's military thrillers draw on his own experience as an army officer. What's the new book about? Here's the blurb. Major Max Devlin, poised for a commanding post in the [...]

19 October 2021

Join us at our book launch for a real Hong Kong mystery! Saturday, October 23rd

2021-10-19T23:03:17+08:00October 19th, 2021|events, hong kong, new books|0 Comments

You are invited to the launch of The Marvellous Adventures of Maggie and Methuselah: A Mystery in Hong Kong! If you love real-life mysteries about missing Hong Kong treasure, adventures in dark tunnels, and above all, crazy rhyme-loving African Grey parrots, you’ll love hearing Sarah Brennan's new story at 3pm on Saturday, 23rd October, at Bookazine, 3rd Floor, Prince's Building, [...]

3 March 2021

Zoom event, March 3rd: Women, Crime and the Courts, Hong Kong 1841-1941

2021-03-03T07:04:20+08:00March 3rd, 2021|events, hong kong, new books|0 Comments

This free online talk is hosted by the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong. While women were filling the magistrates courts and prisons of the British Isles during the 19th century, a female criminal in Hong Kong was a rarity. Yet, often in response to the privations of grinding poverty, some did find themselves on the wrong side of the law. [...]

1 March 2021

Zoom talk by Paul French: “Destination Peking – Revisiting the City”, March 2

2021-02-28T18:30:09+08:00March 1st, 2021|authors, events|0 Comments

In this online talk to the Royal Geographical Society, well-known historian, raconteur and author Paul French talks of the Chinese capital, telling numerous true stories of fascinating people who visited the city in the first half of the 20th century.   From Bolsheviks and Nazis to artists and bank robbers, to English aesthetes, to transplanted New York Bowery Balladeers, he describes [...]

3 June 2020

Webtalk by Paul French, June 3, 7pm: Strangers on the Praia, Macau in World War II

2020-06-03T02:24:41+08:00June 3rd, 2020|authors, events|0 Comments

In this talk for the Royal Geographical Society Hong Kong, well-known China historian, raconteur and author Paul French talks of Macau during World War II. Based on true stories and new research, he attempts to weave together the stories of those Jewish refugees who in the war moved on from their temporary haven of Shanghai. Many sought a possible route [...]

21 October 2019

Join us at Kai-Yin Lo’s book launch on Saturday, Oct 26

2019-10-22T00:06:52+08:00October 21st, 2019|events, hong kong, new books|0 Comments

Designing a Life tells the inspiring story of Kai-Yin Lo, a determined Hong Kong woman born to a wealthy family who had to build her own future following an abrupt change in the family’s fortunes. “Kai-Yin is a polymath and a phenomenon, having seamlessly juggled an analytical career as a scholar, historian, teacher and editor, with the artistic and imaginative [...]

16 October 2019

Meet Gill Shaddick, author of The Hong Kong Letters, on October 19

2019-10-16T21:44:42+08:00October 16th, 2019|authors, events, hong kong|0 Comments

Gill Shaddick is the author of The Hong Kong Letters, her memoir of an eventful two years working at an ad agency in Hong Kong in the late 1960s. Among other things, her yacht was seized by Chinese militia, and she was held incommunicado, after she unwittingly strayed into PRC waters at the height of China's Cultural Revolution. Drop by [...]

29 September 2019

Book launch and talk: Kai-Yin Lo at the Fine Art Asia fair, October 5

2019-09-29T22:59:25+08:00September 29th, 2019|events, hong kong, new books|0 Comments

You are invited to the launch of Kai-Yin Lo's autobiography at Fine Art Asia 2019 in Hong Kong. To launch Designing a Life: A Cross-Cultural Journey, Kai-Yin Lo will be in dialogue with Ms Suhanya Raffel, Executive Director of M+ Museum, and Dr Edmund Lee, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Design Centre. The talk will be moderated by Ms [...]

4 April 2019

Book talk at Bookazine, Hong Kong: Paul French, April 10

2019-04-04T23:14:16+08:00April 4th, 2019|authors, events|0 Comments

Join us for a book talk & signing with Paul French for his latest book Destination Shanghai: a collection of 18 biographical vignettes of the famous and infamous who travelled to Shanghai during the city's golden age. Wednesday 10th April 2019 6.30pm–7.30pm Bookazine Prince's Building, Shop 326-328, Landmark Prince's, Central, Hong Kong Free event – RSVP or enquiries: enquiries@bookazine.com.hk / [...]

4 April 2019

Book talk on Lantau Island: Paul French, April 7

2019-04-04T23:05:49+08:00April 4th, 2019|authors, events|0 Comments

Paul French is a well known British author whose work focuses on China's 20th-century history. One of his most successful books, Midnight in Peking, has won several awards, including both the CWA Gold Dagger and the MWA Edgar Award. His latest book is Destination Shanghai. He'll be at Vibe Bookshop in Mui Wo, Lantau Island, on Sunday 7th April at [...]

14 January 2019

Sunset Survivors: Author talk at the Asia Society, January 22

2019-01-14T22:16:58+08:00January 14th, 2019|authors, events|0 Comments

Join author Lindsay Varty as she shares the stories of the people keeping Hong Kong’s traditional industries alive, accompanied with photographs by Gary Jones. Evening presentation, Tuesday January 22nd, 2019 Asia Society, 9 Justice Drive, Central, Hong Kong Drinks reception 6:30pm Presentation 7:00pm   Close 8:00pm Sunset Survivors tells the stories of Hong Kong’s traditional tradesmen and women through stunning [...]