Portrait image: author David BellisDavid Bellis loves putting old Hong Kong photographs under the magnifying glass to uncover their hidden secrets and discover their stories. He shares what he finds through his website, his books, and a series of illustrated talks.

His website, www.Gwulo.com, hosts a lively community of people who are interested in Hong Kong’s history. It is also a valuable historical resource in its own right, hosting over 50,000 pages, including over 30,000 photos.

You can sign up for David’s free weekly e-mail newsletter at www.Gwulo.com/subscribe or get notified of new issues via Twitter @Gwulo or Facebook.com/Gwulo

David is originally from Wales, first visited Hong Kong in 1989, and has lived there since 1992. He hated history lessons at school and studied computer science. But apart from the odd bit of computer programming to keep the website running, he now spends most of his time writing about history. It’s a funny old life!