Dear Hong Kong vol.1 -《鄉港家書》第一冊


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By Dear Hong Kong


Dear Hong Kong is a photo book about diversity and identity. This first volume is a snapshot of inspiring people from 80 parts of the world who live in Hong Kong and have contributed to our society. It is a tribute to the unique spirit of Asia’s world city in 2020. Come in and let the colourful human stories of Hong Kong touch you.

Bilingual: English / Traditional Chinese

《鄉港家書》是一本充分展現香港獨有多元文化的相冊。這裡記錄了80個來自不同地方,卻扎根在同一個香港的「異鄉人」的故事,訴說著他們為這城市默默作出的貢獻。我們謹以此書獻給2020年的香港 —— 一個與眾不同的亞洲國際城市。我們被這些故事牽動著心弦,希望讀者也可以像我們一樣,從字裡行間投入書中每個人真摯動容的故事中。


ISBN: 9789887525004 Categories: , , Tag: Brand:


Dear Hong Kong is a photo book about diversity and identity. This first volume is a snapshot of inspiring people from 80 parts of the world who live in Hong Kong and have contributed to our society. It is a tribute to the unique spirit of Asia’s world city in 2020. Come in and let the colourful human stories of Hong Kong touch you.

《鄉港家書》是一本充分展現香港獨有多元文化的相冊。這裡記錄了80個來自不同地方,卻扎根在同一個香港的「異鄉人」的故事,訴說著他們為這城市默默作出的貢獻。我們謹以此書獻給2020年的香港 —— 一個與眾不同的亞洲國際城市。我們被這些故事牽動著心弦,希望讀者也可以像我們一樣,從字裡行間投入書中每個人真摯動容的故事中。


“For the past year, a team of volunteers for non-profit project, Dear Hong Kong, have been interviewing and photographing Hong Kong residents from around the world. The work in progress? A bilingual photobook — in Chinese and English — that will spotlight 150 people, each from a different country, who have moved to Hong Kong and made the city their home. ‘By documenting stories and humanity, we hope that the book can be a platform to give voice to the voiceless, break stereotypes and promote mutual understanding,’ project co-founders Oskar Valles and Aggie Lam said.” — Coconuts Hong Kong

當我們感到孤獨的時候,身邊的親友與朋友可能未必即時能夠抽身陪伴,又或者心裡有話卻未必能遇上合適的聆聽者,閱讀別人的故事可能是一個另類的被陪伴方法。《Dear Hong Kong 鄉港家書》是一份很有心的自資出版計劃,這裡記錄了80個來自不同地方,卻扎根在同一個香港的「異鄉人」的故事。八十個人,就有八十個故事,八十種人生信念,在同一個地方。— Stand News

Dear Hong Kong is an exploration and celebration of Hong Kong’s diverse population and all the wonderful people that make this city so interesting. It shows that being a Hong Konger is determined by far more than just what you look like or what your passport says, but rather by the love you have for this beautiful city and how it has accepted you.” — Lindsay Varty, author of Sunset Survivors

「We are Hongkongers.(我們都是香港人。)」西班牙裔的Oskar Valles,九年前因工作來港生活,對這城市多元化生活和市民善良個性深深吸引,決定留港定居,逐漸視香港為家,但因察覺部分港人對異族人士抱有成見,為加強公眾對非華裔居民的認識和理解,毅然組織「義務記者」團隊,訪尋一百五十名在港生活的「異鄉人」,記錄他們在港扎根、為港貢獻的故事,採訪內容即將出版成書,期望有助推動社會和諧共融。 — Sing Tao

Oskar, Aggie, Brad and Olivier from the Dear Hong Kong project were interviewed on Noreen Mir’s 1-2-3 Show on RTHK Radio 3: — and also on Viu TV: